Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Growth starts here
Individual counseling is a team effort between the client and counselor. Therapists use a personal and independent approach to identify clients goals, and work along side them to develop the self-awareness and skills it takes to reach their goals. We work closely with each individual to empower them to produce change and help them live more fulfilling lives again. Our hope is that you will experience the freedom and healing you desire while growing in deeper understanding of who you are.
Couples Counseling
Relationships are what we are made for.
Our counselors work with couples to help them find the relationship they dream of. Whether it’s a “tune up” or an “engine replacement,” couples will find a safe and fair place to receive help.
Couples Counseling
Premarital Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Family Counseling
Every family has struggles. And every family is different which means that counseling families is always unique.
We like to think families are like mobiles, those things that hang above cribs with a host of different pieces that twirl and bounce. Touch one of the figures…everything moves. Families are systems that react out of their incredible depth and complication. When families come in for family counseling, the whole family works with their counselor to get better. Change always requires the family to adjust.
Our counselors use a variety of psychotherapies to help families readjust, heal, and experience improvement. Maybe your family feels like it's needs a small adjustment, that wheels have fallen off, or perhaps your family just needs someone from the outside to come alongside to heal. Our counselors strive to support and empower families to help them establish new rhythms and to find a more healthy “normal.”