Crying- Let It Out

As clinicians, we have the honor of holding space and sitting with others as they unpack strong emotions; joy, pain, fear. During these moments, sometimes tears come and sometimes they don’t, but more often than not, those beautiful big droplets are paired with an apology. Tears are not a defect. Tears are an outward expression signaling connection and human bonding.

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Empowerment: Finding your voice

What is the cost of dehumanizing another person? What are the unseen aspects of living within the dynamics of power and control that constrain an individual from being their most authentic self?

Being in a relationship with the dynamics of power and control can be difficult to describe. It's not always overt. You can feel it and yet it’s difficult to identify specific incidents. It’s a constant feeling that you can’t shake, knowing that something is not right.

There is a conflict because your purpose and true self cannot fully exist in the relationship. It’s a glass cage that keeps you small, it exists, but others cannot always see it. You don’t wear the marks on your body and yet there is a heavyweight of shame, confusion, pain, and disempowerment that is carried.

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How Trauma Can Affect Your Window Of Tolerance

So what exactly is collective trauma? According to Dr. Molly Castelloe, an expert in group psychology-“Collective trauma means, first of all, a shared experience of helplessness, disorientation, and loss among a group of people,” she explains. “The threatening event gives rise to a shared identification — despite the fact that the victimized individuals have different personalities and family backgrounds, different coping mechanisms, and capacities for resilience.” 

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